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Original Creation

Clustered paintings part IV - African paintings

Voy Kay 14 Mar 2021

Many creations I made so far are on display in several locations in the house, thanks to having a big house and housemates' approvals.

This one is a group of eight African paintings that I made, now on display on the wall in our hallway, North side.

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Wow! Excellent work on all the pieces. Do you or did you live there? You seem to have fallen in love with Africa.

P.S. - DO you need any more housemates?

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Hi Colin, nice to read you here!
Nope, visited only 8 countries in Africa of which South Africa and Kenya are my favourites.
The reason I painted these is because they are fairly easy to do, specially when you choose desolate landscapes. Also the silhouettes speak more to the imagination when African wildlife is involved!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Sorry pal, all three bedrooms in our villa are taken, even our tomcats try to take our places each day! 😆👍

this is really neat!!! I love silhouettes, I have a bunch in my brain to try someday. Did you mask out the animals?

MHK Helpful Friendly User

Brilliant idea, I love it!!

Voy, this is absolutely fantastic! All the paintings on display nicely arranged in a bigger composition! Surely at winter they will be warming entire house with their brightness!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Great seeing you here Toadi!
These AFrican paintings really scream for some silhouettes since they suit so well in there.
No, I never masked out any of my silhouettes, I paint them immediately on the canvas. I have my own method of building those animals up and it works for me.
Have a look at the article please, that I wrote on that subject:

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

MHK, imagine one of your walls filled with your stunning cloud paintings!!!

Think about it! 😄👍🥰

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Right on the dot Sunnylady, they were chosen to fit a certain composition that I made on paper first.
All were hung in a certain order and their position was selected by POV AND by coloring.

So great you like this cluster!!

Looks great Voy! I too love your cluster, and Kenya, spent a month there in and around the Masai Mara some years ago. I loved every aspect of it, the landscape, the night sky, the lightning storm, the tribes, and the flight over Kilimanjaro. And of course the incredible animals, nothing better than watching a family of elephants negotiate a fallen tree by a watering hole, wallowing hippos, big cats, tortoises the size of a small car. Lots to paint there for anyone who has a mind to. Your vibrant paintings have captured the warmth too voy. Did you know on the mara there are small rocks everywhere and they are all smooth on one side left behind from a time when the now arid landscape was once a flowing river.

thanks bunches for the tips, I read the article, it surely will help when I give it a go

This looks great. A wonderful idea for a hallway

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Aaaahh Kenya, dear TLP, I was there for only four days in 2011, doing airplane inspections, and most worthy are the museua, the giraffe kissing experience and my encounter with an adult Cheetah called Wendy. She was captured when only three weeks old (abandoned by the mother) and raise in a safari park. That wonderful cat purred my ears to deafness when I held it in my arms!!
Part of the wide open savanna spaces are recreated in my African collection, as well as trees and some silhouettes. I love doing those!
I saw some Masai over there yet was not allowed to take pictures, I respected that of course. Never heard that story about the stone,s one can only wonder what happened to the water! Nourishment for all creatures and plants alive!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Give it a try Toadi, with some practising you will certainly pull that one off!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear LJM, my hallway was the only wall left in the house where I had sufficient space for this. It is a lonh hallways and holds something like 18 paintings at the moment, only 8 of them are mine.
Soon, I will cover the Southern wall of that hallway with another 8 African paintings. I got three so far already, five to come up still!

Walking that hallway ..... one is never in a rush, I can assure you!!

Very nice Voy, you can travel while staying at home. Are these paintings on canvasboard and how did you attach a clip?

This is a beautiful display Voy! Talk about lighting up a wall. Gorgeous colors and silhouettes.

Voy this is amazing. Love the vibrant colors. You really inspired me to try one of theese... soon 😊

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thanks Joha, and yes indeed, the most budgetfriendly travel agency hangs on my walls!

All canvasses were foreseen by two eye screws, at a certain distance from each othere. This system allows me to be able to alter the height of each side by several millimeters (up or down) so that all canvasses can be perfectly balanced.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Hehe, thanks for your cheerss FVG, I hope to have the opposite wall ready by end of summer, that would really boost that hallway!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Umagaan, I can't wait for people to try these relatively easy African paintings. The only hampering might be the silhouettes but that takes just a bit of practice. If necessary, my articles about silhouettes can be found here:

Same as with the dazzling bushes:

Beautiful set up! I am cheerful just looking at these Voy!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Friend, I am nothing but happy to bring cheers to your life!

Thanks for the advice Voy! So you do the foreground in black gesso? What colors do you use for the sky? I can't wait to paint one of these 😁

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Umagaan, where it involves bushes and trees with an overload of leaves, I use the black gesso technique since I can do that foliage with a sponge or a dot of paper towel.
Skies are really easy, start with band (from side to side) of cad yellow, add a band of Indian yellow on that, then a band of A. Crimson. Blend/mix those bands with crisscross strokes so that you can't see anymore where they are overlapping. That's the base.
Then you have several choices:
1. Add a dark layer on top with either some VDB brown or some black. Again carefully mix that in with the adjacent layer.
2. If you want a sun, or moon, put some T-white in the yellow and carefully blend that out. Upon choice, add a visible sun by using your finger and some T-white.
3. Want some colouring on the sides? Then darken those sides with your choice of colours. That can be Indian yellow, crimson or even some brown/black. Never overdo those sides since in reality, that will never be darker then let's say the top of the sky.


Thank you Voy 🤗❤

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